Our sites

We will be having a seed, plant and tool swap on Saturday 8th March 2025 from 11am until 1pm.

If you would like to join us, please could you bring your seeds, plants and tools for swapping at approximately 10.30am on the 8th of March so we can get everything set up. Please could you also bring some old envelopes and a pen to collect any seeds that you would like.

There will be hot drinks home-made cake and biscuits available on the day. If you do not have any items you would like to swap, please still come along and join us for a cuppa.

The Downend Allotment site

A large 10 acre site near the centre of Downend, South Gloucestershire and is also known as the Dial Lane Allotments.

This site is in Chestnut Lane behind the coop.

Learn more about this site

Downend site - it's big! This is plot 107

The Soundwell Site

The main entrance is on Morley Road, Soundwell.

This site is much smaller with only 32 allotment plots.

Visit the soundwell site

Justine's plot